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My opinion about Work From Home (WFH) before and after COVID 19

Work From Home (WFH) was a good option prior to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. As my company gave this option during early 2019, we were occasionally using it and I was also enjoying that once in a while. It was suggested for 4 days in a month, meaning with proper understanding with the manager, it could be utilized once in every week. 

I was personally wishing to have more days for WFH because I was getting interrupted very often when I sit at my desk in office. Main problem is that many people believe that multi-tasking is a great skill. But very few wise people realize that multi-tasking is such a waste of time. Because the focus of brain can't be on too many things at the same time. 

People at work, working in various project teams shall realize, that we all can collectively do greater work, valuable at that, only when we are free of distractions. Of course, some of the tasks can be done in parallel. For example, while you work out at gym, or go for a walk or a jog outside, you can listen to music. While you cook at home, you can listen to music. For such activities, brain will focus on the important thing while music plays in the background. Even if you skip a beat, you don't lose anything. 

Real valuable work can't be done with multi-tasking. Instead, various high priority activities can be planned in advance and the timelines in a day can be adjusted in such a way that you can do one thing at a time, with full focus. 

This is what I learnt from the stories of great people, through learning of some wisdom from the leadership books I read. 

WFH coming down as an inevitable situation after the onset of COVID19 actually didn't bother me much, because I was already prepared for it. The only thing that is not good is that you aren't even supposed to go out happily for a walk in the park, or to the gym, or on the road anymore. 

If this situation improves over time, and normalcy returns, then WFH as a future option offered by the companies at least for 50% of the time will pave a better path for happy employees and companies becoming more efficient. 

Time will tell, if COVID19 for all the bad things it had enforced upon humanity, will in some way change the course of the world for good, in the long term.


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